Slept from 2-9:30. Woke up feeling kinda pummeled but still pretty good. My body is getting more and more toned but tummy isn't there yet. Hmm.
Also pins and needles on limbs and a spot on upper stomach, near bottom of breast.
9:30 3 aloe gels and 2 glutamine.
10:10 2 DGLs.
10:35 Ate meal 1. Same thing.
11-11:30 walked. 30 mins.
1:45 ate meal 2. Pooped. Feel better but period has been really watery and clots. Pelvic pains.
2:11 2 fiber gummies.
3:02 2 glutamine.
Found out I have a ruptured ovarian cyst from CT.
4:30 bowl of veggie. Stomach started hurting and burning.
5:30 3 aloe gels.
6:10 1 DGLs to try to stop the burning.
6:23 2 DGLs. Able to pass gas ever since the CT scan day. I think something was obstructing my guts before that. That's why I couldn't pass gas.
My stomach keeps burning still. Don't know why.
7:30 finished eating. Took 1 Align.
8:40 got back from giant with mom. Took 2 DGLs.
9 ate meal 4. No more burning.
10 took cimetidine.
10:30 2 glutamine.
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