Feeling much better today! Barely any pain in the morning but I went to see World War Z and now I'm back to feeling pain again. Darn.

Day 13 - 7/10/13

Slept okay. Stomach burning around 5 and before bed. Woke up super hungry but couldn't eat because need to fast for ultra sound. 

9:18 3 DGLs. 

9:40 food (canh with chicken), pepzin, 2 fibers, 3 coco oils. 

10:21 2 multivitamins. 

11:10 2 glutamine. 

12:01 3 DGLs. 

12:23 2 coco oils. 

12:35 food (rice and fish) with 2 fibers, culturelle. 

Walked for ~40 mins. 

2:53 3 DGLs. 

3:15 ate vegetable soup (carrot, su), some rice, 1 piece of salmon and chicken. 

Some aching and pain but not too bad.

3:59 2 multivitamins.  

4:22 2 coco oils. 

4:36 2 coco oils. 

5:12 3 DGLs. 

Hurt more and feel fully more easily. 

5:50 2 salmon pieces and a little bit of porridge. 

Meh day. Still have lots of pain especially around noon ~4pm to night. My eso area between breasts feels painful and so is the area where my stomach is. 

7:52 3 DGLs. 

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