So that is my very very old, very first laptop that I have every had. I'm actually typing with it right now and wondered how the hell did I survive typing with this? The keyboards are so stiff... but I'm not going to complain. This baby is 5 years old anyway.

I bought a new Portege M780 laptop days ago and
got it returned 5 days after. Oh, let me post a pic
of it:
so there you have it. Totally beautiful looking. Wait until you see it's specification:
- hard drive or Solid State Drive (SSD)
- 8GB of DDR3 RAM memory
- Fingerprint reader
- eSATA, bluetooth, Wireless and HD Web camera
- 12.1-inch LED backlit display that support for 1200 by 800 pixel resolution
-Microsoft Windows 7 preloaded (this laptop support for Windows 7 Touch gestures).- 320 GB storage-i7 processor
So really, what could possibly go wrong? But oh yeah... a lot of things went wrong.
First of all, the screen. Instead of this bright beautiful, lively color screen. I got this limey yellowish, and rather dark screen. It looks like I got this laptop 5 YEARS and not five DAYS ago.
But that's fine. I'm willing to live with an old, yellowish screen, but I cannot, can-not live with a laptop that keeps making static noises whenever I picked it up. The first Portege I got, make this weird noises when I tilted it just a slight degree. I brought to the thing to one of the repair centers and the guy replaced the speakers, EVEN the motherboard later on when the problem persisted but it didn't solve the problem. So I finally got an exchange.
This one didn't need to be tilted. You just turned it on and BAM! the FAN AND SPEAKERS started making noises as if something is lose in there and everything is jumping around inside.
So I was rather, utterly disappointed by Toshiba this time. This laptop, although it looks really cool, is a big failure. And I'm sure I can find more than just a few people to agree with me.
In the end, it did have some highlights. I love love the quick performance. I does anything in A LOT less time than any other laptops I've had. I have had around 5 laptops so far. Second of all, the sound quality is just... GORGEOUS. I LOVE THE SPEAKERS even though they make dump static noises. Third of all, the accuracy. Other touchscreen laptops that I have, have no accuracy what so every. The HP one for example, I had to wrestle with the thing just to press a button with my bare finger! Because it has to be accurate to the CENTIMETER! The FUJITSU lifebook is not so bad but accuracy is a little off too. I can't seem to press the X button to close the window because it's too close to the screen...frame and my finger is not tiny enough to speeze through the space. With Portege, I can easily do that. It's like the laptop KNOWS what I'm trying to do.
Toshiba customer service is great. They understood my problem and strove to resolve it quickly. And this isn't the first time I had to work with them by the way.
Got a refund. Can't wait to get my money back and go for another FUJITSU, or maybe and HP but I'm not so sure about HP since the last one I had, had a very grainy screen. So far FUJITSU is the best on the market for me.
Will update once I made my decision.
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