I bots my book from lulu and...
Some of the sites that I have looked at are: campusbookrentals.com, half.com, smartcourse.com. Among these three, I think I love campusbookrentals the most since it has a pretty good customer service and a 30 day full refund period just in case I drop the class. Half.com seems to be the one that's the most expensive among the three, but then, some of the textbooks listed by half.com are actually new and they're 30% less than the actually price so really... I can't complain about that. Smartcourse.... well, if I have to buy NEW textbook, I'd go for smartcourse. I saw a brand new textbook for Spy (either that, or music, I can't remember) at smartcourse that's only 7 dollars more than the used one at campusbook! That's great! Plus, I think it has free shipping. Sorry, for the uncertainties but apparently, I had just spent only 20 mins for all the sites.
Oh, half way through my research/quest, or whatever you call it, for cheap txtbooks, I came across this website: bigwords.com. It's BIG, alright. This site lets you compare the prices from various websites which includes the three sites above and a few more, but I can only remember chegg.com now. So it's very effective. Plus, it lets you have the option of viewing, new/used textbooks. It's a great site. If you're a rising college student and you are totally clueless about textbooks (like me), those are great places to start.
Lastly, not sure if this still works but here's a coupon for campusbook for 7 bucks off: resolution2010
So I haven't been able to do any reviews for the last three days. That doesn't mean that I haven't read any good books. I have. In fact, I'm in the middle of another romance novel. Well, I need to finish it first before I will tell you the title. Ha!
But anyway, I've been CRAZY busy about my schedule. I hate picking out classes from 65 pages of classes that I have to choose from. That's not freedom, people! That's TORTURE! But anyway, I'm so not happy that they don't offer Chem class in fall. Instead they have chem LAB in the fall. What the heck? I don't understand the notion of butchering chem in weird parts. What were they thinking???
But anyway, right now, my schedule is pretty messed up. I have like, 5 classes on Monday. My third and fourth classes are 10 mins from each other, which is virtually impossible. I don't even know when I'll be able to grab some food with that kind of schedule. Plus I'm stuck with JANE EYRE for ENWR, which is even SUCKIER. I hate Jane Eyre. That book is just boring!
Talking about book, I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY finished writing the my story that I started I guess two years ago. I officially finished with it yesterday morning, but I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how to embed the fonts in the pdf file, which was a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE experience. I spent 4 consecutive hours downloading, installing, reinstalling apps that supposedly help to embed fonts. Well, they didn't work. Word 2007 and Adobe Distiller are the two most common app to do that but apparently for some god knew what reason, they didn't. They kept giving me these weird-ass symbol instead of the fonts. I tried and tried and tried. At least Word got SOME of my fonts embed. Distiller did naught! Nothing! The application itself didn't even work!
I finally came across this website that names a few freeware with similar function as Distiller. The first one, well, SUCK SUCK SUCKED! I spent a HOUR on that thing trying to eliminate the weird symbol on the front page. It was so frustrating because I had to use my laptop AND desktop since the desktop isn't mine so I don't have the permission to install stuff in there. Urgh. Don't get me started on that miserable piece of metal. It can't even open .zip files!
I stayed up 'til 2:30 and finally finally cutePDF worked! I was sooo happy! Gotta love that free app!! It practically saved my life!
But that's not all. That's just half the battle. And my friend, that is the EASY part of the battle. Wanna know the hard part?
@%$#! that's what I felt when I realized I don't even have a book cover! I wanted to paint everything black and just put the title in white and to hell with everything but since this is my VERY OWN VERY FIRST book, I painstakingly made a freaking bookcover.
It was a nightmare. I'm so glad I got it over with. Can't wait for lulu.com to ship my order. I'm leaving for college on the 21 so hopefully it will get here before then. Please get here before 21st.
But yeah, that's all I did for the last 3 days. Editing my story and trying to make a decent book cover. Now I won't tell you what it's about or what it's called because obviously nobody cares. I just want to throw this out here just because I finished my biggest project after 2 long years and it feels so awesome.
Got this song stuck in my head the second time I heard it. I love the part that goes "girl you really got me bad, yeah, you really got me bad."
Now I know the lyric for this song is... disturbing to some of you. I agree. But I just the music and rhythm so much.
For this song, if you don't like it... I'm sorry, but you must be an alien. But seriously, this video doesn't get 2 million plus views for no reason.
Lenka - The Show
This song I'm pretty everyone knows about it. This is the first song I heard from Taylor Swift and is one of my favorite songs from her. Partly because of the music, but mostly because this is one of the songs that I can really, really relate to. Most of the songs glorifies about love, Taylor's White Horse is so right when she says "I'm not a princess, this aint a fairy tale. I'm not the one you sweep off her feet..." for some reason, I can't help but think, that is my life she's describing!
This one is one the radio all the time. It's got 2.5 million views on less than a week. Taio Cruz has some kick ass songs, especially this and "Break Your Heart." For some reason, the lyric for "Break Your Heart" is so meaningful and I can't help but think, if he warns her beforehand that he's a badass and that he's going to break her heart if she falls in love with him then he still has a heart and concience. He's not, after all, "bad to the bones." But anyway, I digress. I should have talked about Dynamite instead. But really, for some reason, I like like Dynamite... there isn't much to say about Dynamite... I just... like it. I guess. ;/
and that's it for now!
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult
Date of Publication: January 2001
The tempestuous marriage of Alexandra Lawrence, an innocent country girl, and Jordan Townsende, the rich and powerful Duke of Hawthorne, is about to face its ultimate test of tender loyalty. Swept into the endlessly fascinating world of London society, free-spirited Alexandra becomes ensnared in a tangled web of jealousy and revenge, stormy pride and overwhelming passion. But behind her husband's cold, arrogant mask, there lives a tender, vital, sensual man...the man Alexandra married. Now, she will fight for his very life...and the rapturous bond they alone can share.
Fact: I bought this book solely because of these words "one of her most beloved novels of all time!" and did not read until now because the summary sounds not very interesting. But boy, was I wrong.
The one thing I love the most about this book is the female character, Alexandra. There is just something about her innocent, honesty that is so very appealing.
Throughout this book, I kept laughing at their conversations and the unexpected witty comments from both Alex and Jordan. This is one of the rare books that I can feel the male's REAL affection towards the female. I know in all romance books, both characters are supposed to fall head over heels for each other. But sometimes the author... shall we say, got too caught up in creating the image of a cold, aloof hero that he/she makes him looks cold even to the female. The result is not enough romance/affection shown for the female and it leaves me wonder (and boy, I've been doing that for one of the books that I didn't finish days ago) why is she/he (most often "she") so in love with him? He doesn't even do anything for her! Why are they so attracted to each other?
But no, not this book. I can feel the love, the fear, the frantic in Jordan he even if he keeps maintaining his cold, brusque fascade.
And THAT, is what EVERY reader wants to see.
*****Spoiler Alert*****
The only thing I found a little upsetting is the tragedy that separates and nearly tears them apart and drives Alex to another man's arms forever. I literally skipped four or five pages just to reach to the end of that because I just can't stand the heartbreaking moment!
Another thing that I found VERY VERY VERY disturbing-- and that I shouldn't. I guess I"m just being overtly old tradition, but the fact that she kisses other men while Jordan is supposedly "dead" just doesn't stand well with me. I guess I only like the female kissing only the main male character. So I got MORE than just a little uncomfortable at that. But the consolation is that they are only small pecks and NOT ON THE LIPS. Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this... but the author just makes her sound so sweet and innocent that I only want her to belong exclusively to Jordan! ANOTHER POINT FOR McNAUGHT's SKILL!!
*****End of Spoiler*****
The good: the characters, the conversations, the way the author can get into the character's head and say EXACTLY what he/she would say if that person is real. I found out, I had similar thoughts with some of the characters in my life! And oh, let's not forget the sizzle romance between the couple. I think McNaught did a gorgeous job on this one with just a right amount of romance. The previous book I read from her, UNTIL YOU, left me a little unsatisfied...
It could have been better if you might have guessed already if you read the spoiler section. It could have been better if she didn't kiss others and the plot is a little less heartwrenching. I'm sorry I just can't get over the fact that other men kiss her! I'm not sure if these things that I'm mentioning are supposed to be "lowlights" but those are the only thing that I'm not happy about this book.
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Date of Publication: September 2009
The Lost Symbol begins with an ancient ritual, a shadowy enclave, and of course, a secret. Readers know they are in Dan Brown territory when, by the end of the first chapter, a secret within a secret is revealed. To tell too much would ruin the fun of reading this delicious thriller, so you will find no spoilers here. Suffice it to say that as with many series featuring a recurring character, there is a bit of a formula at work (one that fans will love). Again, brilliant Harvard professor Robert Langdon finds himself in a predicament that requires his vast knowledge of symbology and superior problem-solving skills to save the day. The setting, unlike other Robert Langdon novels, is stateside, and in Brown's hands Washington D.C. is as fascinating as Paris or Vatican City (note to the D.C. tourism board: get your "Lost Symbol" tour in order).Fact: When it comes to Dan Brown's book, I just buy it and read it. No need to glimpse at the summary. Whatever he writes, I'm sure I'll like it.
I don't think I can say anything that other people haven't said about this book. I loved the puzzles and the transformation and the action in this book. I have never been a great fan for horror, mystery, or thriller books since... well, I don't feel any of the emotions that these books should evoke. With Dan Brown, I actually feel the impatience wanting to know what's going to happen next especially when he keeps leaving the reader hanging at every chapter. Again, I just love how he ends each chapter with a hook.
And I especially like the revelation of the square order of eight. The arrangement of the symbols to turn it into a pyramid and the staircase is just.... unbelievable! That is not to say the many interpretations for that particular picture or whatever you call it.
However, the reason I didn't give the book 5/5 is because... first of all, I was baffled to find out that the Lost Symbol is actually the Bible. It was... I don't know... I guess it's just me because I'm not a religious follower and the idea of God is not... the way other believe, let's just leave it at that.
Furthermore, I find the idea of thinking positive thoughts, believing in one's "divinity" can actually affect's the world's action is a little too far fetching. Maybe I'm just a hard headed, narrow minded person like Peter said who just can't accept new ideas, but Dan Brown convince me about the human's super ability. That's not so say that I don't believe that human can advance unbound... I'm just saying that his revelation is too much for me to take in.
However, I'll admit that this novel has a strong influence on shaping people's thinking. I like the lesson here more than one in the Da Vinci Code. A lot.
The good: lots of knowledge to be gained, lots of ideas to be learned and considered here. Dan Brow does not just tell a story, he's showing the readers new ideas that people should ponder upon. Great Great Great book.
It could have been better if: there is more explanation about how man is actually the God. For some reason, when I read about this, I wasn't quite convince. I guess I'll read it again. And the science of it is quite stunning but when Katherine said she's seen proof that cancer cells actually turn to normal cells just because people think that way... really?
And the extra dimention Dan Brow mentions in this book. Based on what I learn, there are actually eleven dimensions. Not ten. Am I missing something here?
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This is an opening theme song for the anime Fruit Basket. One of the songs I don't grow tired no matter how many times I listen to it.

- hard drive or Solid State Drive (SSD)
- 8GB of DDR3 RAM memory
- Fingerprint reader
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-Microsoft Windows 7 preloaded (this laptop support for Windows 7 Touch gestures).- 320 GB storage-i7 processor
The Marquis of Vidal is a bad lot a rake and seducer, reckless, heedless, and possessed of a murderous temper. He is known by friend and foe alike as the "Devil's Cub." Yet as the handsome and wealthy heir to a Dukedom, he is considered a good prospect on the marriage market. Vidal currently has his eye on the young, lovely, and unintelligent Sophia Challoner, and Sophia's greedy mother is more than happy to encourage his dubious attentions. The colorful and eccentric characters fall over each other's plots, get involved in very peculiar coincidences, engage in colorful derring-do, and generally make life difficult for each other.
I was about to do some more ranting tonight but I found this guy online and he pretty much vents out whatever I wanted to say. Check him out on youtube!
I am officially carless for the next three hours or so until the mechanics change my car tires. Thanks to my uncle and aunt who sold me this crappy car, I almost die twice in a year. The first happened with the brakes. For the life of me, I just don't understand why the don't change the freaking brakes for TEN YEARS AKA THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME THEY OWNED THE CAR! But that's not why I'm pissed. Its their cat, their lives so if they don't want to take care of it, fine with me. And hey, I'm not asking them to change the brakes for me, all I wanted was for them to please kindly tell me what the hell they didn't do/fix so I can do them myself!!
But no, they were all "omg, its still good. There no problem with it blah blah..."
The next time I went to the mechanics they told me e brakes were used all the way to tje bones, the very last layer of whatever it is that uses friction to stop the car when you brake. Yeah, that thing. Gone. Which means I have been pretty much going without brakes. No wonder whenver I do brake, the car made this groaning noise that sounded like someone is shoving a spatula down another's throat.
Today, well I have already said it, my car tire exploded. Granted I run over the curb but there was no excuse to why the ONE INCH THICK tire could just ripped like paper!!!
I wish I have taken a pic of the tire. It was one huge rip its unreal....
So there you have it. The the reason why I'm sitting in a public street waiting for my dad to pick me up the waited for another TWO hours before coming back to this place to pick my car up before going to buy food for my family and then some dish washing...
Why oh why do all the bad things keep happening to me?? And oh, I still have some more ranting to do but my dads here so Ill save it for some other occasion. Maybe tonight.
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Date of Publication: July 13, 2010
Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabelle, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole.Fact: when I first bought this book, I thought it- like Linger- will be a heart-felt love story. Well, I was only partially right.
I don't think I have ever read young adult novel more beautifully written than Linger. I could feel the emotions for each character. LINGER unlike, SHIVER is a lot more serious and... well, sad. It dwells into the true meaning of love and loss.
In this book, Maggie tells more about Sam, his family, his life before he turned into a wolf, and especially the pain and the joy after he had regained his human form. Likewise, Grace in this book develops into a new person, more daring... more brave to do what she wants instead of listening to her parents and live quietly like she has always done all her life.
Cole, the new character, I think, is the most broken of all. A celebrity, famous and rich, he has everything he wants with a flick of his finger. Yet he has made too many mistakes in his life and tries to run away from it. Telling from four different points of views, the book tells how each of the characters, Sam, Grace, Cole and Isabel tries to cope with their personal problems.
The one thing I love the most about this book is how the characters are portrayed. I think LINGER has more emotions and feelings than action. And I love that. I want to be in people's heads and know what they are thinking and how it affect their lives.
When Grace is dying, I could feel the pent up emotions Sam, the pain, the fear... everything with him even addresing it once. There was no tears, no hysterics in Sam's or even Grace's part yet somehow Maggie perfectly captures the horror of slowly painfully watching the one you love slipping away from you.
Not many books can affect me emotionally there has only been one. But reading LINGER, I feel the pain, the frustration, the fear... so much I wanted to hit something to vent the emotions out!
****End of Spoiler***
LINGER is a great read. I'd recommend it to everyone. However, be warned that LINGER's theme is rather heavy and depressing for readers under 13.
Beautiful Darkness Giveaway @Roots in Myth
Roots in Myth is having this awesome giveaway for Beautiful Darkness ARC right now!
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Contest ends July 30th!
THE LAST HELLION by Loretta Chase
Publisher: HarperCollins
Date of Publication: April 1998
Book Description:
A ferocious conflict of wills...
Vere Mallory, the Duke of Ainswood, has everything--he's titled, he's rich, he's devastatingly good looking--and he seems determined to throw it all away. Disreputable, reckless, and wild, the last of the Mallory hellions is racing headlong to self-destruction...until a mind numbingly beautiful blonde Amazon knocks him off his feet--literally.
An incendiary passion...
Lydia Grenville is dedicated to protecting London's downtrodden. Dissolute noblemen like Ainswood are part of the problem, not the solution. She would like him to get his big, gorgeous carcass out of her way so that she can carry on with her work. The problem is, Ainswood can no more resist a challenge, especially in female form, than he can resist the trouble she seems to attract.
If they can only weather their personal firestorm...
they might survive the real danger that threatens all they hold dear.
This book is well on my list of "favorite books of all time." I can't seem to find a single negative thing to say about this book... well, maybe except the part that she smokes. Once or twice when the situation requires since Lydia is a journalist therefore has to mingle on bars to seek for information.
Loretta does a splendid job is always with the conversation and the shocking twist at the end.
The chemistry between the characters sound real and not forceful like other books that I have read, not to mention that the heat from their passion alone sizzles the pages. I found myself laugh out loud, frown, and gasp as their relationship progresses. The part that really capture my attention is their relationship. Neither of them knows how to deal with marriage, especially Vere- he doesn't even think beyond the wedding night, but they are willing to stick together and sort things out. Just like how people would do in real life. I found that fascinating since most of romance books I read ends in a marriage. This book starts with one.
I'd recommend this book to all those who love romance and virgins.
For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her...until Patch comes along.
With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment, but after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is far more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.
First glance, gorgeous, gorgeous cover, not only that the real cover is even more gorgeous with its glittery surface.
With the intention of giving no spoilers I'll have to make this very short because if I babble on I'm going to give everything away. The thing I love most about this book is the conversations. They sound very realistic. I found Patch's lines, though short, completely capture the reader's attention. Patch is portrayed as a bad boy and hides a dark secrete. The author does well by using words such as "a hint of a smile played on his lips" or "a small grin" but never let Patch actually smiles.
Nora on the other hand is an ordinary girl, who I can very much relate to. First is because she cares about her grades and never give too much thoughts about boys. That's me. Or at least that's how I think I am. I also found Nora and admirable character. Instead of succumbing to Patch's charm, she tries to figure him out. She tries to resist and keep a straight head.
The chemistry between them is... just... sizzling. I haven't read a YA book makes me toes curl like this one before. Most of time, YA books have very little chemistry between both characters. I guess that's how authors keep them PG-13 (?), often time I have to read more than 1/3 of the book for them to even meet a second time. Not with HUSH, HUSH. It has enough of romance to keep me go "awww...." and wanting to read more.
And I love how there are feathers printed randomly on the pages. It's cute!
The only thing I'm not so agreeable about this book is that Nora and Patch fall in love a little too fast. Through out the book, Nora keeps thinking that he's wrong, he's not good for me, I can't be near him, he scares the wits about of me. But near the end of the book, it rushes to say that Patch is in love with her. Sure, he flirts with her, but he... I don't know, I just find that there is not enough evidence that really shows he is in love with her. He might be interested in her more than other females but in love... ? That's a little too quick.
I wish Becca had write more about their first kiss. After all, it is Nora's first kiss. But oh well.
I still love it. Can't wait til the next book!
I'd recommend this book to EVERYONE.
and oh, let's not forget the trailer!
Finally! I've been dying to do this although for some reason life keeps getting in the way.
The first thing I'd like to say about this book is its thickness... or lack thereof, to be exactly. The AP Biology book might as well be the second lightest of all the Princeton Review books right after the AP Psy. Nonetheless, it is the LIGHTEST of all the AP Bio prep books that I've had my hands on. The one for Barron's is HUGE but no more informative.
This book presents the information in a logical order going form the big picture to the small details. Looking the index alone can prove that.
But the one thing I LOVE LOVE LOVE about this book is that it SHOWS you how to memorize stuff. I remember a chapter about human anatomy in which you have to memorize all the hormones and what they do... Other books (I've read 4 different ap prep book on the anatomy sections) just tell you what they do and expect you to memorize everything from scratch. I mean, at the time, sure. But remember, the ap exam is not just about the human hormones. They can't expect people to memorize stuff out of the blue, especially stuff you're likely to not use AT ALL in real life. That's when this book helps because it shows you mnemonics to memorize.
GATOR PIT is how you're supposed to memorize the hormones like AHD, LH, FSH... How, you'll have to read the book and know.
When I read this book, I feel like I'm actually LISTENTING to someone talking to me instead of reading the dry and coarse words. I feel like they understand student's pains of having to memorize the stuff and try to understand or at least memorize as much as they can.
And oh, let's not forget about the quizzes at the end of each chapter. For some reason, THAT is so rare in other books. I did a review wayyy back about chem and I have to say only 2/5 ap chem books I had have the quizzes. Is it too hard to think of 5 questions for each chapter? I think not.
On the other hand, I would say that although informative, the quizzes at the end of the chapter for AP BIO are not as great. Often times there are questions about info. that is not presented in the chapter which leads to confusion. In addition, even if you get the answers right, I'd suggest you go to the answer page and look at the explanation. More often than not, the explanation gives you more detail on that particular area. I think Princeton could have done better given the fact that this book is still very thin.
In the end, it is the fact that reading this book got me a 5 on the AP exam. I remember having TWO questions on the ap exam that are exactly like the info present in the book. Needless to say I was thrilled because all I had to do is write down the info I've already memorized well (I'm a bit of a visual learner myself).
I wanted to do a review about AP Physics but unfortunately I didn't use the princeton book for Physics; our teacher asked us to use another green cover book which was printed in 2005. It was a big mistake. A VERY BIG MISTAKE because I got a 4 on the ap exam but I feel like I haven't learned anything in that class.
If you have to get one thing about of this loooooong review this is it:
If you're a high school student and you're taking ap classes. I don't care what it is and who teaches you, please please please stick with the Princeton Reviews. I promise you won't be disappointed.
That is, if you actually try.
Carolina Valdez Miller is having awesome arc giveaway right now. That means you could win an ARC copy of
and a lot more.
Double Standard 5/5
DOUBLE STANDARD by Judith McNaught
Publisher: Harlequin
Date of Publication: 01/28/1991
In the exclusive, glittering world of business superstars, Nick Sinclair was a legend...
The ruggedly handsome president of Global Industries handled his business the way he handled his women — with charm, daring and ruthless self-control. A man used to the very best, Nick hired Lauren Danner, and assumed the proud beauty would soon be another easy conquest. But Lauren's flashing wit and rare spirit dazzled him — and slowly, against his will, he was intrigued, challenged — and in love.
Yet Lauren was living a lie, a charade that became more dangerous with every passing moment. Trapped in a web of deceit, she fought her growing love for Nick. Her secret could destroy his fragile trust — and the promise of life with the most compelling man she had ever met!
Facts: I had no idea what the cover is showing until I am well on the tenth page of the book. I first I thought it was just blobs of reds and blacks. And because I do judge books by its cover, I didn't didn't pick this one up at the bookstore but online while I was browsing the summaries.
Beautifully, beautifully written.
Judith had done it again! She's... the bomb.
This books starts out with Lauren being a totally innocent naive virgin who believes that the dashing Nick Sinclair, who makes her swoon with his charms and kisses, is really in love with her. Naturally, because she's in love with him, it's logical that she should give him her body, too. Yes, she's a virgin. She hasn't been with anyone because she believes that physical relationships must happen after love.
Nick on the other hand, cast her aside after that one night with her. Hurt and betrayed, Lauren sets out to take her revenge of Nick, unknowingly teaches him how to love for the first time.
I love this book because it's realistic. It captures the very thoughts of the characters. If these characters were to be real, this would have happened. It's different from other books because well, throughout the first 1/3 of the book, I kept asking myself "why is she so quickly in love with him? If they fall in love that easily, what is there to read? After all, this is a romance book, right?" Not until I read the part when Nick casts her aside and lies to her that I realized I have been reading only Lauren's side of the story, which is obvious to why they are so supposedly quickly in love with each other.
Afterward is a heart warming tale about a man, being cast away by his own mother, learns how to love and allow to be loved in return. I don't want to go too much into detail because it would give everything away (and I'm tempting to do just that).
This book is another of my fav. books of all time. So I'd of course, recommend it to everyone.
Gots a new app for blogging
The good is that I can blog whenever I want which is a huge thing since I'm on a tight schedule. A very tight one. It's neat ang fast.
The bad? It's slow, tidious and the keyboard on itouch doesn't rotate so it's really hard to type. Plus I don't know a lot of HTML code so it's going to look really plain. I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right even...
Oh dang it I'm suppose to review the ap bio princeton book today. Okay gotta finish cleaning up.
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum. Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher. Solving the enigmatic riddle, Langdon is stunned to discover it leads to a trail of clues hidden in the works of da Vinci…clues visible for all to see…and yet ingeniously disguised by the painter.
Langdon joins forces with a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, and learns the late curator was involved in the Priory of Sion—an actual secret society whose members included Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and da Vinci, among others. The Louvre curator has sacrificed his life to protect the Priory's most sacred trust: the location of a vastly important religious relic, hidden for centuries.
In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who appears to work for Opus Dei—a clandestine, Vatican-sanctioned Catholic sect believed to have long plotted to seize the Priory's secret. Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine puzzle in time, the Priory's secret—and a stunning historical truth—will be lost forever.
In an exhilarating blend of relentless adventure, scholarly intrigue, and cutting wit, symbologist Robert Langdon (first introduced in Dan Brown's bestselling Angels & Demons ) is the most original character to appear in years. The Da Vinci Code heralds the arrival of a new breed of lightening-paced, intelligent thriller…surprising at every twist, absorbing at every turn, and in the end, utterly unpredictable…right up to its astonishing conclusion.
I wasn't so hot on this book when I picked it up mostly because I'm not into mystery and thriller and what not. In fact, I picked the book up and put it down then never thought of it again until yesterday when my friend lent me this book.
I spent the WHOLE day today just READING this book. I love how each chapter ends with a hook and it keeps you reading. Dan Brown's book always starts with something explosive like, someone dies or something explodes but this one is just... unique. I love the conversation and the occasional French conversation. It's entertaining even thought my French sucks.
The one thing I love most about this book is that it's fast-paced. Unlike Stephen King or Dean Koontz books, Dan Brown explodes out with action and keeps movie. Other mystery books... I have to practically force myself to read the first ten chapters before I actually get into the book. This one just got me right in the first chapter.
Besides the HUGELY gorgeous plot, I love you Dan Brow drop a few interesting facts like the one about PHI and Mona Lisap's painting where the horizon is lop sided. I wonder how much research he did to write that book. In the end, the one thing that startled me the most is *****SPOILER ALEART****** is the revelation about The LAST SUPPER.
An art lover myself. I used to gaze at the painting many times but I NEVER see a single woman in that picture and when I read this book. It's just like, BAM! right there! In your face! I love how Dan Brown just throws facts in your face, facts that are so obvious but for some reason, not many people realize.
Over all, it's a GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT book. I'd recommend it to everyone. Well, except middle schoolers since they are quite hard to follow sometimes, especially with the French names and conversations.
Food poisoning.
I can't believe I'm actually recovering from this food poisoning disaster. I thought I was going to die, well, at least that's what they told me. Food poisoning. I can't help but wonder though, what kind of food poisoning that it would damage my stomach tissues? Apparently I had too much acid in my stomach and it kinda... ate into my own stomach. Hmm...better cut low on sugary drink. I guess the reason why it was so bad (went to the hospie for 2 days and the rest of the week recovering) was because I didn't eat anything for the whole day and then decided to down a whole large cup of strawberry smoothie. But hey, I didn't know!
So I haven't done anything since the Pertinence giveaway... But I have been doing a lot of reading. That's all you can do when you're in bed. Okay.... that sounds kinda wrong but oh well.
Book Review and Other Stuff.
Springbreak!!! WOO!!! (and to think that I only finish 2 books is...depressing but hey, I got some stuff done for school so it's not even half as bad.)
First off, Bought: the Greek's Innocent Virgin by Sarah Morgan.Summary:
At Angelos Zouvelekis's command, café waitress Chantal will play the part of his bride-to-be. He will shower her with exquisite jewels and silks.and she will repay him in kind!
He wants his recompense in the bedroom! Angelos worships Chantal's body, although he thinks she's a devious gold digger. But his arrogance is shattered when he discovers Chantal is a virgin..
Angelos bought this innocent, and now he intends to keep her - whatever the cost!
I can't really say much about the bookcover. I don't know. It's just... different from the other bookcovers that I've seen over the years. I'm not saying I don't like it or anything. The background is nice... but that's pretty much it. I just... can't comment about this type of cover. My appologies.
I finished it in one sitting [and lying] as soon as I got the book. Seriously, I just got hooked by the title. Overally I really, really love the characters. They're well built. The story is very shot but I think I know a lot more about the characters than other books that go on and on for pages about the surrounding and minor characters. I especially like the heroine. She's strong, she's determined, and she is VERY stubborn. She wants to be independent from the hero and even thought they're having a relationship, she never ever wants to take money from him.
I think I like this story because I can relate to the heroine. This is how I ( and I believe many other women) want to be like. We don't want to be dependent on our husband financially.
The hero on the other hands amuses me throughout the book. I enjoy reading about heroes whose lives are so organized and suddenly someone sweeps into their lives and turn everything upside down. The hero found himself at a loss whenever he looks at her and he also admires her for her strong will, but I guess what I like the most about him is that he loves him so much he doesn't know what to do with himself (or "the time when they're not in bed" --> taken straight from the book).
In the end, I really enjoy reading about about this book although some would think that the plot is pretty typical. I totally agree with that. But hey, typicality is nice sometimes. This book is a perfect example!
AND LASTLY, is a few personal news. I got the replies from all the colleges that I apply to. Well... I GOT ACCEPTED TO ALL OF THEM! INCLUDING UVA! HOW SICK IS THAT! So yeah, I'm still undecided about whether I should go to UVA or VCU (because of some personal reasons) BUT I'm going to see both colleges tomorrow! YEP. That's it!
I've got 4 mins to write... oh, never mind it's 3 now.
Busy, busy, busy. I've been busting my butt on exams and tests. Thank god after this exams hell week I'll get to have a relaxing springbreak! Yeah! But first I have to get through this week which doesn't look so hot right now.
I found my Bio binder and whatever binder that I lost! Yeah!
I also bought Gone with the Winds And several collections of horror+folktales+ grimm's tales whatever you call them. And oh, some horror stories too. Can't live without a little fear in love <3
So I've got less than a min. to write therefore the last thing would be to say that my next update would be about a book.
Oh, despite how much I dislike VIRGIN STAR, I actually finished it (yes, I did skipped some pages and details, but I finished it nonetheless.) so I'll write a REVISED REVIEW on that book next time since I feel like I didn't do justice on that book. I guess my mood was foul then b/c I didn't exactly do well on one of my tests (GARR!!! School is poisoning my brain and destroying my social life!)
In the end I used 5 min to write this but oh well. Gotta take a bath before wrestling with Spanish!
Until next time!
New Book Coming Out! Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins!
There's your gorgeous cover.
Here's the summary:
Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father--an elusive European warlock--only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters.
By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect.
As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.
And if you wanna know about the awesomest giveaway for this book, follow this linky.
Deadline is MARCH 2 so get over there NOW!
New Look, and a few news.
Think this one is more appropriate for book reviews than the other one. Hopefully this will make me blog more often. Right now it's officially 2:03 7/21/2010.
And oh, my new compy arrived today!! It's a gorgeous, TOSHIBA PORTEGE M780, touch screen, 4GB memory, i7 processor, 320 GB hard drive and FREAKING TOUCHSCREEN! It costs a fortune for me but oh well, my moma and dada bought it for moi as a graduation gift. Well, they didn't flat out say that but oh well!!!
And oh, this is totally random and has nothing to do with books whatsoever, but if you like funny vids, check out RAYWILLIAMJOHNSON's channel on Youtube. He'll make you laugh your head off! Just wanna throw it out there.
Here's one good vid from him.
And yeah... that's pretty much it. For now.
DARK FANTASY is having a ARC Giveaway where you can win Clockwork Angel, Saphique, Dracula in Love and a SIGNED copy of White Cat.
I don't know how enthusiastic I am but the the fact that I'm posting this in the middle of the night (aka 1:17 am) instead doing Psychology said something.
Contest ends July 27 so hurry!
Babbling Flow is having a HUGE ARC Giveaway. You can win Clockwork Angel, Firelight, Halo, and many more there.
Contest runs from July 20-August 6!
Good Choice Reading is giving away an ARC OF CRESCENDO. If you don't know what it is, you're an alien. Go google it.
You can head over to read her review on CRESCENDO as well as entering her giveaway. Here's what she said:
- MUST be a follower of Good Choice Reading- MUST be a follower of our good friend Skyla11377- MUST fill out this FormNow this is the FUN part ...Please leave in comments (ALL IN ONE COMMENT)- Full Name & State/Country (MUST)- Must answer two of the following questions (If you do all even BETTER chances! =0)- In ONE sentence (Tricky I know hehe) tell us why you love Hush, Hush so much.- What is your favorite thing about Nora & Patch?- What is your favorite quote in Hush, Hush?- What do you think will happen in Crescendo or what do you HOPE will happen?
Hurry because it ends on August 3rd.
So it's finally summer, which means I've already made up my mind about which college I'm attending this coming year.
It's UVA. I realize I have a lot more to brag about if I attend UVA so yeah...
But anyway, I went to the orientation and it was HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!! I had a HUGELY hard time there.
First of all, I read on the website that I should bring a blanket because it's going to be cold at the dorm where I was staying. A blanket in the middle of summer? Not likely. I thought that this advice is probably for other ppl who are attending the fall ones but nonetheless I brought one anyway. But the problem was, for some god knew reason I decided NOT to bring it in my dorm (well, I decided I was going to bring it in once I found where my dorm was) which was totally a bad idea but I'll return to that in a sec.
The first thing I noticed was out of place was that I was the only one who did not have a parent to come with me. Needless to say I was utterly alone and lost. I had to sit all by myself and saw other students' parents talked and adviced their kids about what they should do, what classes to take, where to go afterwards or just simply sat there. Sometimes, just having your parents there with you is good enough. Well, I wouldn't know.
But anyway, after that we got split up into small groups (parents were not to go with us after that) and I realized I was the only non-white kid in my group which was pretty sad but luckily everyone was very friendly. I actually learned a few things from the leader once she explained stuff to me. She went on about the schedule and whatnots but I didn't listen because I was overwhelmed by the thought that I have no idea what courses I should take. Apprently, I'm in College and college kids have like 62 pages of courses that they could choose from. that NEVER happens in high school and I didn't know (still don't) what classes I should take for a first year to fill the requirements for both pre med and the general requirements to graduate.
And then we moved on to playing ninja which was totally weird and so I just sat on the grass and asked the team leader questions about UVa. Well, others asked, I listened and tried to absorb as much info as I could.
Then we moved to lunch, which was great actually since food in my high school sucked.
The thing that bothered me was when we actually get to sign up for the classes. GOSH. I spent TWO hours picking out only 5 classes when the requirements were 25 classes including my top five. Needless to say, I gotta stay after and pick out more classes and I had to do that intermittently throughout the day just to pick out 25 classes I wanted to take out of like... 500 courses in the 62 page course catalog. I had no idea why I was so slow but thank god I finally got it done around 11 pm!
The thing I hated about this orientation is:
I just couldn't seen to make any friend since I'm not exactly the talkative type. Most of the time I just kept to myself which was awkward. Most of the time I just tagged along with this group of girls that didn't even talk to me.. How said was that!
After the course signing up, we got to our dorm and attended a meeting for 15 min before heading out for a fun event. It was supposed to be FUN but I found it astonishingly boring, especially when I was totally alone there. So after 20 min, I decided to head back. But the problem was, it was 9 o'clock at night and the way to my dorm cut through a forest kind of place with very little light. Nevertheless I wanted to go back so badly I DECIDED TO GO BY MSELF. THROUGH A FREAKING FOREST AT NIGHT! It was scary as hell because not only was it dark, it was pitch black inside the forest. I don't know why but UVA was stingy about lights on that particular area. And I kept hearing footsteps right behind me every few seconds or so. Once I even heard rustling and giggles. When I reached the edge of the forest, I freaked out. I decided to go back because I couldn't even find the trail to go IN the forest.
Then there were these two guys coming towards me. They looked HUGE! like athlete kind of HUGE. I had a feeling if they're standing in on either side of me, they'd obliterate the sun above me. I was about to press the emergency button so that the alarm would go off (what can I say, I was freaking out) but they didn't appear to be menacing. Finally I asked if I could follow them back to the dorm and they shrugged then said sure.
But the drama didn't end there. I got to the dorm around 9 30ish. That was when not bringing a blanket came back and bite me in the butt because since the sun was down, it got REALLY cold in my room. I mean REALLY REALLY cold. I couldn't believe how cold it was. I turned that AC off completely but the temperature didn't increase much. In the end I had to wear jeans, two shirts and bundled myself in towels and the mattress sheets to stop from shivering. Yeah, the mattress sheet. I know, it's weird, but when all you could think of is getting warm, I don't think you'd give a fig about how ridiculous you look.
The next day was better. A little bit. I got lost and had to ask this guy, Michael- he was one of the students at the orientation like me, to take me back to Wilson so I could sign up for the classes. It took HALF AN HOUR of walking when the sun was BEATING DOWN ON US to get to the place. He said it was okay since he was passing by that place so I could tag along. But later I found out he didn't have to do that. His parents were going to PICK HIM UP and DROVE HIM THERE but he had to wear himself off for me. That was so nice of him.
But then after I was done for the day, I got to see him again but I didn't recognize him quick enough when he looked at me so I just passed by him without say hi. That was so messed up! He probably thought I am an ungrateful person. I want beat myself up so badly!