Feeling much better today! Barely any pain in the morning but I went to see World War Z and now I'm back to feeling pain again. Darn.

Day 35-36

Less and less pain. I'm able to eat fruits and a little bit of everything now. Still bloated but subsidies after a while. My poop has a definite shape and doesn't not rip my butt when it comes out. I'm happy! 

Will try to eat vegetables soon. I like bread but it seems like bread is too processed which is bad. Probably has a ton of process carbs in there which my body can't digest. 

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Day 34 - can eat fruits-ish, ordered Edefen

Bloated really bad and it seems like I might have eaten too much fat so that's really not good for my tummy because it really delays the bowel movement. My stool is sticky and sticks to the toilet bowl. 

I'll try not to eat too much fats for the next week or so and see if that would give me body and easier time to digest everything. 

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Day 31-33

Forgot to do updates. Overall, I think I've been going a little downhill. My stomach hurts more and my nerves freak out quite a bit. I'm starting to think that it's nerve related as well. Will try to take magnesium from now. 

I tries calcium and it doesn't seem like my body likes it overly much. 

Also tried all kinds of milks. Almond, rice, proteinshakes. Nothing worked for tummy. Keep being so damn bloated all the time. The bloat is what concerns me the most. 

I tried soluble fiber but it looks like my stomach bloats even more. Plus it feeds the bad bacteria so I don't want to use too much of it. 

Tried going back to eating cooked vegetables. I tried rau muong last night. That was bad. Terrible terrible bloat and cramps and horrible pains. Lots of gas that it hurts when my guts contract. I haven't been able to poop all the food today. I'm so bloated right now. 

It seems like I can eat microwaved bananas do I'll keep eating a little bit of that. And dua gang. Watermelon but that fapcom diet says not to. I'm trying to eliminate as much sugar as possible from my diet. 

Argh. So bloated and I hurt everywhere. Just ordered Mg citrate. Will take some tomorrow just to get rid of the bloatedness. Hopefully the mg will soothe the nerves and make them less irritated.  

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